Editor's Blog - How we work, how we make decisions, how we serve Canadians.

Editor in Chief

A new name reinforces an ongoing mandate

Categories:Canada, Community, Journalism


Nearly three years ago, we launched a special section of ourwebsite, dedicated to stories and issues about the First Nations, Inuit andMtis people of Canada.

Our goal in creating CBC Aboriginal was to better engage andreflect this vibrant community. And 11 million page views later, we feel evenmore strongly that this has been a necessary addition to our journalism.

Today, though - a little tweak. We are changing the name ofour page to CBC Indigenous (cbc.ca/Indigenous). This name change reflects asignificant trend by communities and organizations, both nationally andglobally, to use Indigenous as a preferred term. Our decision to institute thischange was made after consultation with Indigenous CBC staff from across thecountry.

You may have noted that in recent months, we also made achange in CBC style, when we moved to capitalize terms such as "Indigenous",and "Aboriginal". We think it recognizes that when we use these terms, we speakabout a distinct community (or more accurately, distinct communities), oftenwith official representation and a regular place in the national debate.

In both language and substance, we think our IndigenousDigital Unit will continue to be a trailblazer - and also a game changer. Theunit, in conjunction with CBC's Indigenous staff across the country, has ledthe way with award-winning cross-platform projects like  MMIW , coverage of significant events likeStanding Rock, and an engaged, dynamic and growing Facebook community.

If you've never checked out the site before now, we inviteyou to do so, at cbc.ca/Indigenous.

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