music table


Make Your Own Music Table

By Liska Myers, Adventure In A Box

Sep 1, 2015

What kid doesn't like making noise?

Give a kids a couple old instruments and noise can be turned into music! If you don't have instruments, old kitchen utensils are just as good! With this in mind, we set out to make a music table for our son.

Collecting 'Instruments'

As a family of non-musical crafters, we have more construction materials than musical instruments lying around, so we decided to use unconventional things to make music.

We looked around the house and found Christmas bells, jingly bracelets, empty tins, a bamboo trivet and a copper pipe — stuff that looks like junk, but sounds great! Then my husband discovered a real treasure: a broken cymbal!

A cymbal, copper pipes, a trivet and tins used to make a music table.

You may not have a cymbal, but you probably have a pot lid. You may also be the owner of an old toy xylophone or a drum, wind chime or a cookie tin. Any of these things would come in handy for this project!

Once we collected our “musical instruments,” it was time to make a base.

You'll Also Love: Make Your Own Musical Instruments From Recycled Materials

Making The Table

For the table top, we cut a square out of a piece of plywood (50 x 50 cm).

Most of the instruments needed to be elevated to ensure proper vibration, so we glued some scraps of wood on top of the plywood. Two rectangular pieces provide the base for the xylophone, while a block with a wooden spindle on top holds the cymbal in place.

At the edge of the table, an arch made from two spindles with a dowel in between holds the bells and the bangles.

A piece of plywood that forms the base of the music table.

Before attaching anything else, we painted the wood and the tins white. You can use whatever paint is available: spray paint (which is what we used on the tins), wall paint (which is what we used on the table, because it provided a better coverage) or acrylic paint. Kids may want to help painting the table!

The tins were the easiest to attach to the table. We used hot glue to keep them in place.

We didn't trouble much with the cymbal either. It sat nicely on a wooden spindle, secured with a wooden cap on top.

Making The Xylophone

To make the xylophone, we cut 5 pieces of 1/2” copper pipe, ranging from 17 to 21 cm (you can find accurate lengths for a properly tuned copper pipe xylophone online).

We marked suspension holes and drilled them 22 per cent of the total length from each end of the pipe, then strung them up inside the wooden frame with strong nylon cord and bits of drinking straw cut as spacers. (It sounds so good that we will have to make a properly tuned, full-sized version in a few years!)

The finished music table.

We attached the trivet to the side of a xylophone with hot glue.

Finally, we added the little metal bangles and jingling Christmas ornaments to the dowel, between two spindles.

The finished music table.

All the musical instruments were in place, but we needed something to play them with! A couple of extra dowels were perfect (a pair of wooden spoons would work too).

And how did our little one like the music table? The cymbal and the xylophone were the biggest success, but the impromptu drums got a fair bit of attention as well.

Daddy couldn't help but join the fun and I had the pleasure of watching the first-ever performance of The Daddy & Son Band.

A boy plays with the music table.

Article Author Liska Myers
Liska Myers

Read more from Liska here.

When not constructing lego towers and measuring the depth of puddles with her son, Liska likes to work on toys for him. Her blog Adventure in a Box is a collection of ideas on how to fill a playroom with unique homemade toys: build a fairy tree house, cut shadow puppets, give a makeover to old wooden blocks and so on. Liska also enjoys reading, painting, and exploring outdoors. You can follow her family's life and adventures on her blog, Facebook and Instagram.